Today, tenson caused by socal, economc and poltcal volence has spread to - perceptble n almost the ar we breathe. In the Era of Man, humanty s more fragle than ever before. As t struggles wth epdemcs, wars and crses, t pays a hgh prce for standng aganst nature, rather than standng "wth nature"... The neolberal order s the same as t has always been, as expected; t tres to repressvely transform the concepts of an ndvdual's body, dentty and sense of belongng, along wth power polces and abuse of power, beyond an antauthortaran system that values freedom and has mnmal state functons.
In the "ndvdual" system where people are ncreasngly solatng themselves from each other due to ncreased competton and dmnshed soldarty; ndvduals who lack empathy focus on themselves, rather than crtcally nvestgatng socal relatons, mssng out socal relatons that lead to antsocal behavors. In the order desgned by the government to desenstze the socety, everythng s descrbed as ndvdual, warm, peaceful, comfortable and safe, whch s more mportant than freedom.
Our passon for peace of mnd, through whch we am to be the better verson of ourselves, dstracts us from the panful debates n socety, robbng us of the courage needed to make progress and mprove. Comfort and convenence mportant for "one" delay the reform mportant for "us" due to the effect of desenstzaton.
Accordng to research, women feel gender nequalty most severely when they enter the publc sphere. Accordng to the fndngs of the reports prepared perodcally by the KONDA research company ttled “Socal Mood”; the depresson ndex has been hgher for women than for men. The expresson "I was depressed", whch s ncreasngly popular n socal psychology, s mostly used by women.
The Turksh Unversty-Graduate Women's Assocaton, one of the oldest women's soldarty platforms n Turkey, whch was founded as a collectve women's movement and Mna’nın Çocukları (Mna's Chldren) project operatng wthn ts body prepared for months to open some doors n order to dscuss current ssues caused by gender nequalty and heal wthout shyng away from the transformatve power of pan...
Wth the awareness that the means to acheve healng go through change of socal norms, a collaboraton of strength was made wth 19 female artsts n order to rase awareness about the effect of captalst dscourses on female body, flrtng volence, feelng of excluson, women's poston n socal memory, dgtal obesty, ndrect communcaton, women's current problems such as physcal and psychologcal confdence.
Dsplay venue has a mult-segmented structure wth mprovement works underway. At the entrance, you're welcomed by the sound of door slammng made by women who stand aganst oppresson and njustce and thus go out, followed by the determnaton of another woman who declares war aganst tradtons and runs away wth her weddng dress, wth spaghett western musc n the background.
Weakness, touch and nudty n a power-based system are narrated by photos untng two dfferent geographes, emphaszng the purty of love and passon. In the opposte, two pars of slver transvestte shoes, remanng n vacuty, have been moved far away from urban spaces.
The common thng between a woman lookng out from the future back to the past and a woman placng bone references, fossl samples and famly tree data of an magnary speces n her rare cabnet s "curosty”.
In a world where a vdeo collage showng how to touch a woman wthout terrfyng her sezes popular channels, can state-of-the-art ar bags protect a woman from beng abused ?
Can dshes wth voluptuous names derved from varous parts of the female body and sculptures n forms that refer to fertlty and abundance wth rounded lnes go aganst socal norms?
Medtatve musc and our bodes lyng on structures wth extremely uncomfortable ergonomcs nvte us to reject our dependence on temporary healng methods n our lves and our body's ndfference. In a world where lonelness and solaton s ncreasng, the condtons created for preservaton of balloons n jars, wth reference to the prncple of "makng pckles", an ancent culnary tradton, offer a crtcal perspectve on the pallatve socety's fear of pan and obsesson wth healng.
A partcpatory publc program that ncludes the works of nvaluable artsts who produce works on an nternatonal scale as well as ntervews, workshops and experence meetngs held through the support of nternatonal museums, phlanthropy organzatons, non-governmental organzatons and entrepreneurs and leadng analyss and research companes has been prepared.
Consderng art hstory worldwde, we wtness the nstrumentalzaton of art spaces n tmes of crss and see that they are transformed to serve the publc, such as transformaton of museums nto vaccnaton centers durng the pandemc and museums servng as hosptals where the wounded were treated durng the world wars.
Accordngly, we're transformng Metro Han, whch s one of the memorable places of Istanbul and located at a crossroads for the masses, nto a place where collectve producton, fndng new solutons by dscussng, dversty and broad-mndedness wll fll every one of ts rooms wth encounters arsng from the meetng of dfferent cultural denttes, n other words, where socal trust wll be rebult.
Healng...s movng away from pan; pan s descrbed as a state that must be optmzed.The catastrophe that our country s faced wth due to the earthquakes n the Southern Anatolan regon has caused us to reman n the background for a long tme regardng ths project. However, we are aware that the concept of healng, whch we have been workng on for months wthout realzng what awats us, knowng that soldarty and collectve acton have become nevtable for healng, s much more mportant today. Because the Collectve “Healng” project proposes a new approach to “healng” that s not pallatve and can only happen when we do not forget, do not cover up the sufferng, and do not turn our backs on panful dscussons.
Rather than runng away from pan by reversng the healng process, we recognze that pan s at the core of human nature and nvte everyone to heal.
Ayça Okay - All rights reserved © 2022
The upcoming exhibition titled "GEL ZAMAN GİT ZAMAN" at the BAKSI MUSEUM will be open to the public from June 6, 2024, to November 6, 2024
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